This weekend we headed to Nebraska for a wedding at Lake McConaughy for our friends Tracy and Eric. It’s a quick 3 hour drive, so we headed out Saturday morning and found a great spot to run the dogs in Ogallala right of the hospital campus. Big mowed grassy field, some trees to bounce in and out of, and Halo found a pond! She had disappeared behind the tree line and then we heard a splash! That girl loves her water features and Cheeky and Karma enjoyed cooling off with her too.

With exercise out of the way, we headed to the wedding and found a great shady spot for the pups to hang out in. After the nuptials, we grabbed Schmav out of the car and he helped us celebrate at the reception. He was a hit, and got quite a few tastes of frosting from the cake!

After the wedding, we stopped by the hospital field one more time before heading to our hotel. We were happy to find the Holiday Inn Express was pet friendly, and all of Marc’s co-workers were nice enough to book there with us. The gift from the wedding was a s’mores kit, so we made great use of the hotel’s fire pit! We stayed up late socializing and then headed up to bed.

One more romp for the dogs in the morning and then we headed back to Denver to get some yard work done for the weekend. It was fun to have a weekend away with the pups and friends!