Vizsla for a day!

We are pretty amazed at how quickly the Vizsla Network works.  Rita Prindle with 2nd Chance Vizsla Rescue Group (2CVRG) called us yesterday, because she had just arranged to pick up a Vizsla that was listed on craigslist.  The owner said he had only had the ad on craigslist for 10 minutes before Rita called!  Since we live in Denver, we were asked if we could go get Maggie and keep her for a night or two until a foster home could be secured.  We happily said, “yes!”

We picked Maggie up from her owner along with all of her things.  She had a huge dog crate, 4 extra plush beds, bags of toys, and high quality food and treats. She was definitely a spoiled girl and very loved.  Not going to lie — Jenny had a hard time not crying as she watched Maggie’s owner say goodbye.  It was very evident that he loved his girl so much 🙁

Back at the house, Maggie was a gem.  Indy was *very* excited about having another girl in his harem, Halo was ecstatic to have a new playmate, and Karma was also excited Halo had a new playmate!

We kept Maggie for one night and then transported her down to Castlerock to meet her foster family today.  We did hear from Rita that she thinks she has a home lined up already, so hopefully Maggie will be going to her forever home soon!  We will be checking the 2CVRG website for a success story soon!