Really happy we live in Colorado right about now. All this quarantine stuff is making us a bit stir crazy. Add on that we live with 3 Vizslas who are accustomed to a lot of exercise and it makes for long work weeks. As an essential, Marc’s life hasn’t changed at all, but things sure look different for Jenny and the Vs!
Today, we decided to drive out to a local hiking spot in Ward with our friend Lindsay. Lindsay’s dog went missing last year (sadly she has still not been found) and many area locals shared some trail knowledge with her so she could leave no trail unturned. Because it’s an unmarked trail, we knew we’d be able to get in some great exercise and stay socially distanced from strangers.

Since we were headed to Bo & Lauren’s neck of the woods, we invited them to join us with Jade and Louie, but as luck would have it, they were moving into their new house that day! So instead, we offered to take Louie & Jade off their hands so they could get moved without worrying about the dogs getting outside. Plus, after a long day of moving, tired out dogs would be appreciated!
We had the BEST time. The dogs were ecstatic to get outside and burn off some energy. With all but Halo & Jade relatively young, they spent a lot of time zooming around and chasing each other. Keep away with sticks was another favorite. And on the human side, getting to chat with a girlfriend and breathe in some mountain air was SO NEEDED. Hopefully, we can do it again soon!