The last few weeks have been busy making sure Boujee continues to get a ton of exposure to all sorts of humans, dogs, noises, and things. I’ve been traveling for work, and thankfully, both Tad and Lindsay have been available to watch Bouj while I’m out of town (Halo & Cheeks are lucky to stay with Marc.)
At Tad’s house, she gets to learn about being in a big pack of males (humans and dogs) and how to run around off-leash and practice her recall and doggie door skills. Lindsay took her to her haircut appointment where she got to practice being quiet in a crate, exposure to hairdryers, and meeting new people. Linds also took her shopping to Home Goods and ran a bunch of other errands with her.

In the meantime, when I’m home, we’ve made about 500 trips to Home Depot to get stuff for the house while it’s being renovated. She also came to Cheeky’s agility trial a couple weeks ago and got to see all her agility friends (human and canine) and practice crating. She’s been SO good. I’m super impressed with my happy-go-lucky-no-clouds-in-her-sky puppy — she’s an absolute pleasure to train and socialize.

Today, we hit the Cherry Creek Arts Festival which was sensory overload…lots of bands, people, art, dogs, etc. Heading into 4th of July optimistic that this girlie will handle fireworks just fine — as she does with everything 🙂