When we were at the FRAAD trial Halloween weekend, we found out all the remaining 2020 agility trials in Colorado canceled. Jenny headed to the AKC event page to see if anything was going to go this year. She saw an OUTDOOR Scent Work trial in Omaha in DECEMBER. “If COVID doesn’t cancel this trial, there will certainly be a blizzard that prevents my drive. Also outdoors in December in Nebraska sounds terrible.” That’s what ran through her head, but she sent in the entries anyway. No idea why.
Then right after Thanksgiving, Jenny’s Dad died. It’s awful. The episodes of grief are overwhelming. He was a psychiatrist, and normally the person Jenny would phone if she was sad/upset/just wanted to talk. Being sad and losing the person she would usually talk to at a time like this was extra difficult. Jenny got her work ethic from her father and poured herself into work rather than taking time off. She was thankful for work last week, but knew she wasn’t really processing what happened because she was staying so busy.
With some encouragement from Marc and friends, Jenny decided last minute on Friday afternoon to pack her bags and head to Omaha. Karma has improved by leaps and bounds in the last few days almost as if to tell Jenny it would be ok to leave for the weekend.
Being unreachable and alone with just her thoughts and Cheeky for a long drive was very therapeutic. Unlike an event in Colorado, Jenny showed up at a trial where no one knew her, so there were no questions about how she was doing. Plus it was freezing, so even without COVID restrictions, no one was socializing; everyone was just hanging in their own cars trying to stay warm until it was their turn.

Jenny wasn’t at her best, but Cheeky didn’t care. In spite of Jenny’s brain fog, she and Cheeky had some big successes! And instead of just wallowing in sadness all weekend, Jenny genuinely enjoyed celebrating their victories together. They stayed at a brand new hotel in a super cute neighborhood; The Cottonwood Hotel (a Kimpton property) in the historic Blackstone District. At night, they walked to pick up food and looked at lights. There was also a great off-leash trail in the Chalco Hills Recreation Area to get some exercise and further focus on their solitude together. Jenny had a weekend of just herself, her thoughts, and her Cheeky. It was so peaceful and just what she needed.

Cheeky leaves Nebraska with a finished Interior Advanced title, an Excellent Handler Discrimination pass, and 2 qualifies in Excellent Exteriors. Buried was not offered at this trial, and that last Advanced Container leg continues to elude. Very proud of Cheeky and her great work this weekend.

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