Playing Trial Secretary

This weekend was scheduled to be a weekend in the dirt with Karma. But then this whole COVID thing started. Our governor banned groups of more than 250 on Friday. That didn’t impact the agility trial, but the committee scrambled to get hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes to station all over the trial. We sat in the stands with tons of space between people and tried to follow all the new rules. It’s a crazy new world we live in. No hugging friends, no sitting in groups, no hanging out. But we all survived and still got to do agility this weekend, so that’s a win.

The trial secretary for the weekend was our friend Deb. And she was a little under the weather this weekend (no not the bug of the hour.) So in her absence, Jenny got to play trial secretary with Deb’s daughter/our friend, Caitlin! It was fun weekend chipping in to help. And while no thanks was necessary, Palmer Divide (the host club) refunded our entry fees! How nice is that?!

Karma held her own too — all her Q’s garnered placements and she was a little speed demon that blew both her dog walk contacts this weekend! Just going too fast to hit that darn contact. What a crack up. Have a great week!