Beginner Puppy Best in Show Winning
Best in Specialty Show Winning
BISS CH 5280 She Apres Skis in Spyder JH SWA SEE SCE SIE CGC

Boujee was my keeper from our Goose x Cheeky litter; The Amazing Spiderlings. Boujee (fka Charlotte) was the sleeper in the litter. I love doing all the performance things, and while she was always good, she never was the best when I was evaluating; this doesn't mean she was bad, just never the best. But what she was the best at? People. Boujee loves all people and dogs. If people visited her once, she would remember them if they ever came back over. She had genuine excitement to see repeat visitors, and a tail that never stops wagging. Her personality reminded me so much of my sweet Karma. At 8 weeks, her outline reminded me so much of my beautiful Halo. And her work ethic, with me handling, reminded me so much of her mother, Cheeky's enthusiasm. I showed up to the Spiderlings 8 week evaluations in a red shirt, because I knew no matter how they ranked, that the red collar puppy was staying put.
Boujee's first endeavor was in the show ring for a 4-6 Beginner Puppy show in Cheyenne, Wyoming. At 5 months, Boujee was born at just the right time of year to miss almost all the shows in Colorado, so I was thrilled to have this Beginner Puppy opportunity before she dabbled in the real ring. It turned out to be much more than a quick practice as Boujee took both Sporting Group 1 and then was selected as Jon Titus Steele's Best in Show! For as long as I've been showing dogs, this is my biggest win ever and I did it with my baby!! From there it was on to the BredBy classes. Boujee rarely wasn't selected for Winners or Reserve on her quick trip to her Championship. Boujee picked up her first points at Colorado Kennel Club in February, both majors (4 & 5 point majors!!) in Scottsbluff, and then wrapped up her Championship in July of 2023 at the Casper Kennel Club show. Boujee is my first Champion to finish entirely out of the Bred By Class and I couldn't be more proud of my pumpkin! She took a spin with Claire (Goose's Mom!) at the RMVC Specialty show in August of 2023 and picked up a lovely Award of Merit! At the next RMVC Specialty Show in May of 2024, Boujee won the whole darn thing! This signifies her as Best in Specialty Show winning and I couldn't be more proud as she is the second puppy out of Cheeky to earn a BISS (Miles was first!)
Boujee's Scent Work career began out of necessity -- I was entering Cheeky in trials and didn't want to leave Bouj home all day or in a crate all day either. So I started entering her in trials before we had a clear alert behavior worked out. In spite of not really being trial ready, Boujee earned her first Scent Work title, Novice Exterior, in August of 2023! Picking up legs at a few more trials, she earned her overall Scent Work Novice title in October of 2023. Almost one year later, in November of 2024, we picked up that elusive last Buried Advanced leg to finish Boujee's overall Scent Work Advanced title! Looking forward to seeing where this girls nose takes her!
In late October 2023, Dylan and I were tightening up the girls skill set in preparation for the Colorado hunting season. Boujee was looking great, so we entered her in a Hunt Test in early November. In spite of it being his first time handling, Dylan and Bouj hit the fields and walked away with two Junior Hunter legs! A fantastic field debut! The following Spring, he took her back and finished out her JH title and then picked up two JH Advanced legs the next day with a perfect 4 for 4 weekend. So proud of him as a first time handler with his pumpkin!
Stay tuned, and for more updates on Boujee, check out her tag on our blog.