Well, we are finishing our 2021 agility year with a BANG! Cheeky didn’t just finish one, but both of her Novice titles! Woohoo!
Heading into this weekend, she had one NAJ leg and two NA legs. We thought she might have a shot at getting the NA title, but to pick up her NAJ title, she’d almost have to be perfect.
Saturday, Cheeks picked up her Novice Standard title with a 2nd place finish and we filled out the paperwork to mover her up to Open on Sunday. Then in the jumpers ring she got her weaves on the first try and finished with a 4th place ribbon with a decently smoking time!
As a move up today, Cheeky did great! She finally saw 12 poles in competition! We had too many bobbles to come away with a Q, but super excited about that progress. Then as mentioned, we hit the jumpers ring and she qualified with another 2nd place! What a smartie pants! Can’t wait to get back to agility in 2022!