This was a BIG weekend. If you’ve been following along on my instagram stories, you’ve probably noticed the backyard at the new house leaves a lot to be desired. Where they had to replace the sewer line, they dug a huge trench and the grass never recovered. And grass is a loose term — more like a field of dandelions. I also didn’t really have a sprinkler system to speak of, so I decided to pull the trigger and get turf.
In preparation for two days of limited yard access, we met up with Lindsay and Austin and their pack for a hike on Sunday. It was a gorgeous day, not super hot, wild flowers on point, and the dogs had a fantastic romp! Just what I needed ahead of asking them for two days inside for the makeover.

Yesterday the kick off to the reno began and I’m SO excited about the yard for my girls!! They removed all the railroad ties, pulled all the weeds, prepped the ground and got the turf down to breathe over night. The change was incredible…I couldn’t believe how much got done in just a day!

And to cap off the evening, in my mail was the most thoughtful gift. My friend, Debbie Stern (Tivoliz Vizslas) sent me a show lead for Boujee! It’s purple and has a spider on it!! I absolutely LOVE it and was so incredibly touched. Life is just really coming together 🙂

Today, the remainder of the yard was finished. The turf was tucked under and the inlay sand was dropped, the turf was cleaned and the beds were mulched. It looks like Augusta back there! The best part was watching my girls run around in their new perfect yard! When I was looking for a place to live back in January, I told my friend Erik that all I wanted was a big yard for my dogs and that it couldn’t be a sketchy neighborhood. Seeing this yard today makes me so damn proud of myself and how far I’ve come this year.