What a flipping fun weekend! Our club, Longs Peak Dog Training Club, hosted a Scent Work trial in Fort Collins this weekend. Since I was signed up to be an all day volunteer, I asked Catherine and Byron if we could come stay with them for the weekend. Byron ended up going out of town so it was a perfect set up for a girls weekend!

It was so fun to see the house Maggie has been able to grow up in. When I get puppy applications, I envision what the home my puppies will get to grow up in look like, but until you see it in person, you really don’t totally know. Boy, did Mags hit the jackpot. As soon as we unloaded, we let the girls (Boujee, Cheeky, Maggie, and their golden, Cotton) run around. Their yard is HUGE!! Room for an agility field lots of squirrel trees, and tons of room to zoom all over. Boujee held her own with the big girls, and Maggie and Cheeky were SO THANKFUL to have each other to run and chase. Those two have another gear when they are together and you could tell they really enjoyed running full out together.

Catherine made a delicious spaghetti dinner and opened a lovely bottle of red for us to share. We had soo much fun catching up gushing over how cute Boujee was being with a caterpillar and elephant toy that Maggie had.
Yesterday ended up being pretty awesome. Maggie qualified in exterior and notched a 4th place finish. She went on to qualify in Container too! Cheeky also had a good day picking up Master Elite legs in both Interior and Containers and finishing first in both!

Boujee was a rockstar today. She stayed quiet in her crate and came out between Cheeky’s runs to meet people and super tolerant dogs. I was so proud of her for being so good on a somewhat “boring” day.
After the trial, Catherine and I headed back to her house and indulged in some awesome Chinese food and wine! The girls enjoyed running around in the yard together too.
Today, Cheeky again qualified with an Elite Container leg and picked up 2nd place. Maggie waned another SEE leg and then qualified in Advanced Buried too finish her overall Advanced title!! So super proud of her and Catherine and I know they are going to breeze through Excellent! It was a great way to end our girls weekend, and can’t wait for the next opportunity to stay up North with the Sayers!