As you know, we’ve caught the Scent Work bug, and sadly no trials in Colorado for a bit. BUT!! There was a trial in Montana. Jenny covers Wyoming for work, so no biggie to head up that way, and surprisingly, Billings is only about 8 hours from Denver. Sadly though, we just never seemed to come off the waiting list. Jenny was texting with the trial secretary (Cindy) like a crazy person on Thursday to see if we could go, but alas, the trial remained full. Jenny ended up telling Cindy that if anyone pulled before 11 on Friday to let us know. And then the email came at 9:15am, we were in!
We hopped in the car and Jenny even managed to see several customers on the way to Montana. And as a side note, if you have never seen Northern Wyoming, it is BEAUTIFUL. You have to find time to go!
The trial site was pretty cool — a museum! They had some super cool search areas like an old time bank, a church, etc. We also found a local college campus to stretch Cheeky’s legs on — colleges seriously have the best sweeping lawns! And to top off the weekend, Jenny was able to visit with her friend Peter from her old company.

We are finding our groove at the Excellent and Master levels, which is a big advancement over Advanced. However, we did manage to pick up an Excellent Interior leg with a bright blue 1st place ribbon! The Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club did such a great job with trial. You would never know it was their first one. It ran so efficiently that we were able to get out of there before the Winter Storm, and down to Casper, with time to spare for a run and FireRock to go. Cheeky was so excited to split a steak! We met so many super nice people and had the best time checking out Montana for the first time!