As predicted last week, Maggie & Byron DID have blaze-colored ribbons in their future! They headed up to Billings, Montana to visit family and snuck in a double-double hunting test on the trip too!
Her very first run was a qualifying run with scores of 8-8-9-8! That is an absolutely awesome debut for our almost 8 month old pup and her owner handler. We were thrilled! In her second run, she went birdless, but then ran as a bye dog for a third run of the day. Byron worked the field differently when she ran as a bye dog and Maggie found 2 birds with really nice staunch points! It wouldn’t count, but it was exciting to hear Byron was executing on the handling tips and learning how to be the best teammate with Maggie.
Today, she and Byron were a smooth-oiled-machine picking up TWO more Junior Hunter legs! That leaves Maggie just one leg short of her Junior Hunter title! We are beyond proud!

Cheeky also had a pretty good weekend! She was entered Saturday and Sunday at TerryAll Kennel Club’s show. On Saturday, she was super naughty on the first go-round. Didn’t want to stack or hold for the exam. She thought the judge might need to be jumped on and greeted! Cheeky! We did better once we started on the down & back, but ended up going second in the 6-9 month class. However, the 6-9 month bitch that won ended up going Winners Bitch, so Cheeky got to go back in for Reserve, and she won!

After her Reserve win, we headed over to the Obedience ring where she was SUPER close to passing in Beginner Novice. Of all things, she wouldn’t come on the recall, lol! In Beginner Novice, you do a sit-stay where you leave the dog and then the judge walks up and pats them on the head. Then another sit-stay right after that where you leave the dog and walk the perimeter of the ring, then back to your dog. Following is the recall, where the dog goes on another sit-stay and then you walk to the opposite side of the ring and call the dog. She was NOT going to fail the sit-stay test! With some extra cheerleading, she finally came. Cutie-pie. We’ll keep practicing and try again at the Vizsla National!
Today, Cheeky and Jenny won the 6-9 class! Then we went out to brunch with some Vizsla friends and did a little brainstorming for the 2020 Vizsla National which will be here in Colorado!
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