Hot off our big win in Cheyenne, I headed up to Nederland to take the girlies on a hike with Pete, Nigel, and the rest of whatever pack Pete was watching. Pete is the most amazing puppy home. When he got Nigel, he had had Vizslas for 17 years. He mostly did rescue, but wanted a puppy this time around. However, he is the “go to” guy if people need a pet sitter with several regulars and he even took Vizslas while their owner did a 9 month deployment.
It’s easy to see why dogs LOVE going with Pete! He lives in Nederland (read gorgeous with tons of off leash hiking, swimming, etc.) and sets his own schedule. His puppy application told me he did about 5 miles of hiking a day with a stop at the reservoir to let the dogs swim while he fished —- uhhhh…yeah, that’s a dream home! How lucky would one of my puppies be to live that kind of life!
Anyway, we were overdue for a hike with Nigel, so we headed over to Boulder County to enjoy our Sunday on a nice long hike. And as a bonus, Pete was babysitting Miles!

It was absolutely gorgeous. Seeing the kids together was just adorable, not to mention having their Mom and Grandma there for the hike; it just makes my heart so happy.
Cheeky, being her balls to the wall self, decided to get into some barbed wire, so it cut our hike a little short (we still did over 5 miles, but she had a couple torn areas that I was going to staple when we got back to the car and my first aid kit. However, Pete didn’t have the stomach to watch me staple Nigel’s Mommy (I’m telling you, I really couldn’t have found a home that loves my dogs more!) so I butterfly bandaged her up and headed back to Denver.
I dropped Halo & Boujee at home, and after a FaceTime consult with Marc, we agreed that Cheeks needed weekend, ie. emergency care. I have been hearing great things about Wheatridge Animal Hospital, so I decided to give them a go.

They were awesome, got us in faster than expected, and got her all cleaned & stapled up. She ended up needing 7! Glad I ended up going. Also, dogs don’t really have tetanus shots, so if you ever get snagged by barbed wire, it’s important that you at least get an antibiotic.
Cheeky is totally fine and will be on the mend soon and after a LONG weekend, I’m happy to curl up with all 3 of my very tired girls. Happy LDW 2022!!