It’s finally here! Vizsla National week! We’ve been planning for over two years to host our friends from around the county in Colorado. You can imagine the wrench the pandemic through that plan! Luckily, we were able to reschedule our April dates to August and get a variance approved to hold the event! It’s surreal that it is finally here!!

What a fantastic couple days at the agility trials. We started off Friday night by setting up the agility trial and then headed to our hotel room for the weekend. Jenny suggested everyone stay at the Embassy Suites in Loveland since it’s close to the trial site and also has a bar/restaurant on site. The Cali contingent — Jamie with Skeddadle, Sloan, and Sisu, and Carol with Fargo and Scorch — happily agreed. See the cool custom bars in the photos? While Jenny was at setup Jamie and Carol were applying stickers on all the bars and they talked the waiter into giving them the whole patio! Jenny showed up with Cheeky and Karma just in time for a couple margaritas and lots of fun watching the Vizslas take over the patio.

Saturday was an All Breed Agility trial, and Maggie and Catherine had a fantastic day. They picked up Maggie’s first Novice FAST leg and also took 1st place on a very challenge Novice Standard course! Cheeky earned her very first agility Q in Novice FAST too! And Karma picked up a Q and 2nd place in Jumpers.
Saturday night, our friend Heather, hosted a BBQ at her home for all the Vizsla people. It was so great! We ate outside and then were able to let all the Vizslas go for a romp on the golf course! It was like our own private Vizsla dog park! Marc came up to have dinner too. Cheeky and Karma were so surprised when he went to the car to grab them for the golf course romp — like, where did you come from?! It was pretty funny.

Today was Vizsla National day and it couldn’t have been better! Cheeky picked up 4th place and her second Novice FAST leg, Maggie went 3 for 3 in all her Novice classes taking 2 firsts and a second along with her qualifies, and Karma picked up a Double Q Double Blue in the 16″ Preferred classes!! The trial ran SO smoothly. Our friend Katherine was trial chair, and I swear she thinks of everything!! There was tons of crating space, it was a relaxed and fun atmosphere, and everyone had a fantastic time in spite of having to wear a mask the whole time.

We are thrilled that Maggie is leaving Vizsla Nationals with 2 out of 3 legs to all her Novice titles! She and Catherine are quite a team and we can’t wait to see them at our Longs Peak Trial in a couple weeks! Also super proud of Cheeky for nailing down 2 FAST legs too — hopefully there will be another trial that offers FAST this year so that we can try to finish her title!
After tearing down and cleaning up we packed up and headed up the hill to Estes Park. Because the agility trial ended somewhat early, we had time to set up our crate space for the week, unloaded our car and set up our room, and still had time for drinks around the fire pit. Looking forward to a fantastic week in Estes!!