A day of celebration is upon us — Karma is 10! It seems like such a large milestone birthday. A decade. But mostly, it’s just overwhelming to think of all the joy she has brought into our lives. She really is the most perfect dog. A temperament to die for, loving all people, and especially children. She is often called upon to be the first dog that puppies meet when they are being socialized. She’s amazing.

But with our happiness, comes a shadow of sadness. This is the first birthday where we can’t also wish a happy birthday to both of her littermates. While sister, Hana, is doing well and living her best life in Nevada with Brenda and Dylan; sadly, Zeke passed away a couple weeks ago. Our hearts ache for Pat & Jacqueline who lost their sweet boy entirely too soon. Zeke was such a great dog. A Specialty Show winner in the show ring, a Master Hunter, but most importantly, a phenomenal companion. We miss you so much buddy.
But with that sadness in our hearts, we count our blessings to have today to celebrate our best girl. Karma, if we could only be so lucky to spend another 10 years with you!