Karma gets to 12

Karmie has singled out!  This means she has all her singles and is just lacking a 3 point major to finish her Championship Title.  She picked up point #12 with Trent today in Colorado Springs.  Our thanks to Judge Stephen J Hubbell for finding Karma and getting her to this point.  Majors have been really hard to come by lately, so we’ll keep our fingers crossed that we can help build one later this year.  It sure would be nice to have a shot at finishing her!

Marc was a single dad this weekend, as Jenny was in Houston for a baby shower, but he had a good time taking Karma to the show and then just biked with the pups and relaxed at home.  We were also contacted about taking another foster dog, and Marc was able to make arrangements to get her next weekend.

This next week is a big one — not just because of our new foster, but Indy is turning 8!  We’ll have to start brainstorming on gift ideas…