Whoop, whoop! Big news! Cheeky is a new Junior Hunter! As you know, a couple weeks ago, Jenny was able to put 3 Junior legs on Cheeky at the Vizsla Club of Colorado Hunt Test. This left her just one leg shy of the title. So yesterday, Marc took her out to the Rocky Mountain Vizsla Club & Mile High Weimaraner Club double-double to try his luck.
The weather was MISERABLE; cold and 70mph winds! Luckily, Cheeky was able to find to birds in her first brace. Kudos to our friend Leah who was bird planting — not easy to keep birds in the field with winds that strong! With two birds and two points, and some demonstration of trainability and hunting skills, Cheeky passed her 4th and final leg with Marc! Marc was so happy, mostly because that meant he didn’t have to stay for the afternoon test. He was able to pack up Cheeks and get out of that cold weather…with their fancy new title ribbon from the RMVC in tow. Cheeky’s JH makes all 3 Baby Halos Junior Hunters:
Kizmar 5280 Magnolia Halo JH TKN ~ Maggie
CH Kizmar 5280 Someone’s Halo Slipped JH TKI NA-I ~ Cheeky
Kizmar 5280 Halo I’m Louie JH ~ Louie
SO PROUD OF THE BABIES!! We’ll see what title they all get next!
Wondering why Jenny didn’t handle Cheeky for the last leg? Well, she and Karma were busy helping out at the Vizsla Club of America’s agility trial being held in Loveland, Colorado. Maggie’s Mom, Catherine was there helping too, so we got some quality time with Mags this weekend too! Just love that little muffin.

Karma had a great weekend. Our judge was Steve Larrison who Jenny met at the AKC National Championship in Perry, GA a few years ago. Steve and his Vizsla, Vegas, made it to finals that year and we had a blast cheering them on. She picked up 2 JWW legs, a JWW premier leg, and a Standard leg! That Standard leg finished off Karma’s Master Agility Excellent Preferred 2 title! Our girl is really something, even picking up placements with most of her runs!

Finally, we took advantage of being up North to get Karma’s 3rd cancer vaccine in. Karma is doing great on study and we are hopefully helping to find a cure! The study is still enrolling, so if you have a cancer-free dog and live near CSU, you should check it out!