We are finally home from our two-week vacation to Morocco. And let’s just say that if you are going to take a two week vacation, getting back the Saturday before Thanksgiving is well timed. You get Sunday to recover, then a 3 day work week before getting 4 more days off. Top that with a huge blizzard and cancelled work days, and jet-lag ain’t a problem!

While we were gone, we were lucky to have Hilary & Tyler babysit Cheeky. We had babysat Tioga for them the week before we left while they went on their baby moon. This means Cheeky and Tioga have been together for a solid 3 weeks, making it difficult to keep weight on either…totally wish it was that easy for humans to lose weight! The 3 old(er) dogs, Schmav, Karma, and Halo were puppysat at home with Kristin, a friend of Jenny’s from work. Good dog/house sitters are worth their weight in gold! It was so great to be able to enjoy our vacay knowing the dogs were all safe.
Anyway, we are back! And while we were planning to spend Turkey Day in Vail, we were invited over to Tad’s house. Tad owns Cheeky’s Dad, Kai, and Karma was also out of his dog Tok. Tad also invited over Hilary, Tyler, and Tioga so it was one big happy family! See below for the family tree — dogs in orange were all there!

Jenny made her famous Vizsla Red Cherry Pie, a Coconut Cream Pie, and a Pumpkin pie. Cheeky enjoyed hanging out with her Mom & Dad and always enjoys time with her cousin Tioga, Uncle Wyn, and half-brother Gus! It was a very Vizsla Thanksgiving and we enjoyed a nice long run on the golf course behind Tad’s house after our meal. Hope you all had an equally fab time with family and friends!