The weeks are just clicking by now! I can’t believe these babies will be going to their new homes soon! The weather is getting so nice that this last week we focused a lot of our new experiences activities to the outdoors.
Sunday was Easter, and Aunt Lindsay took the CUTEST pictures of the Spiderlings with bunny ears on! Their Easter photos were really quite a hit on social media.

They also spent time dining al fresco (seriously, I don’t think Cheeks is ever going to wean these puppies) and started learning about hanging on the deck. New surfaces, new obstacles, and many, many sounds: trucks, kids, birds, etc!

We also worked more on Manding — helping to give the puppies a method of communicating with us. They are taking to it well, but some of them And more quietly than others đ

The puppies continued their raw bone exercise and were did their first scent circle! Everyone except Itsy took straight to it! Itsy had a big truck drive by as she was getting started which distracted her enough to then just want to figure out how to get out of the x-pen and out to play with her siblings. I brought her back later and she nailed that hot dog search đ I was really happy with how all four of them worked in and out of the scent circle gobbling up their hot dog bites. I think they are going to be super sniffers!

And of course, the puppies had more visitors all week, including David who will be getting Fang or Venom. Trying to soak in every moment of these last two weeks!