Agility during a pandemic is weird. Pikes Peak Agility Club, like many of the local clubs, has adopted a two trial per day with limited classes schedule. Lately, it means that Novice dogs run with Small Dogs (4-16″.) While it’s cool because you get to knock out two trials in one day and have a free weekend day, it’s a bummer because our friends are mostly in the 20″ class. And superstar Maggie is in Open and Excellent classes, so we don’t get to see her either. So great for the schedule, bummer for catching up with friends.

Anyway, Cheeky continued her ways of no weaves this weekend, so not Qs, BUT we had some really awesome moments. We just know it’s all going to come together someday…
But since we were totally free on Sunday, we went for a double header. In the morning, we ventured over to a FastCAT. We had tried FastCAT at the Cheyenne show with Cheeky last year, and thought we’d take the opportunity to see if Halo liked the game. Our friend Lindsay was bringing Marmalade so it was a date!
Halo was pretty funny. She had no interest in the lure and was instead trying to figure out where Jenny went. Finally, Jenny was able to make a noise loud enough for Halo to hear over the wind and 100 yards away. When Halo saw her, she DARTED down the field! For her second run, she improved her time by 10 seconds because she knew Jenny was at the end! Cheeky laid down some spectacular runs and is now likely just one run away from earning her BCAT title!

And then to round out our weekend, we headed East and hit the bird fields. The girls quartered beautifully in spite of a very windy day and we were super proud of their bird work. The picture above is of Cheeky with her parents, Kai and Halo, and we couldn’t love it more.