Well our favorite weekend of the year has come and gone, and the girls did a fabulous job! This weekend, we entered Karma in FAST at her old regular jump height to try and pin down the elusive last Excellent leg we needed to finish her XF leg. We also entered the dog show on Sunday and Monday, AND registered for Barn Hunt and Canine Good Citizen tests.
On Friday, Jenny had to work, so our friend Ruth ran Karma in FAST. Sadly, the send (distance work you can read more about here) was too much for Karma and they didn’t pick up that elusive last leg, leaving us with two more chances for the weekend.
Saturday was a Karma only day and while we didn’t get the FAST send again, we did make it over to the main building to try and get Karma’s Canine Good Citizen Advanced and Urban Canine Good Citizen tests completed. Karma passed both with flying colors and earned two new titles!

And yesterday, after many long years, Karma can now be called an Excellent FAST dog!! Saturday at agility, Jenny was stressing out because Karma’s 3rd and final try for her XF title would be at the same time Jenny needed to be over in the main building showing Cheeky in 4-6 puppy. Our friend Caitlin offered to solve that problem and run Karma. And Caitlin got Karma to do things we’ve never seen; not only did she nail the send, but she also layered the Aframe while Karma did the weaves! We are completely on Cloud 9 with this new title!! A big thank you to Auntie Emily for earning Karma’s first XF leg over two years ago too! This title was truly a labor of love for our very Velcro Vizsla!

Cheeky and Jenny in the meantime hit the 4-6 puppy competition and made it though the exam and were able to do the ring procedures with all 4 feet on the ground! This was huge progress. Cheeky loves to jump on the judge during the exam and jump around the ring, so this was a huge first step and we felt pretty good heading into today with yesterday’s performance.

After 4-6 puppy and her FAST leg, our little retired Master Hunter also tried Barn Hunt and picked up a Q & a Blue!! She is excited about this new game with fuzzy creatures! Karma once ran in a field trail derby stake and was SO super excited to find a mouse in a yucca plant. We made a promise to her that after her Master Hunter title was behind her (didn’t want to be rewarding a mousing behavior early) we’d let her try this game. SHE LOVED IT. We will have to look for more of these trials in the future!

Finally, we closing out the Cluster Weekend with a pretty fab day today!
Cheeky, celebrating her 6 month birthday today, was finally able to enter the show ring, and she ended up taking Winners Bitch for a 3 point major! (If you need to know why that is so exciting, read about it here.) It was a very nice way to celebrate her half birthday. ❤️ Karma, also entered today went Select Bitch for a GCH Major, and went uncontested for Best Vizsla Veteran. This meant she was eligible for the Veteran Sporting Group and she capped off her amazing weekend earning three titles with a Group 2 Veteran!

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