What a morning. The last week, we went to Kauai, Hawaii to celebrate Thanksgiving and milestone birthdays with a bunch of Marc’s college buddies. Schmav, Karma, and Halo stayed home with our awesome house/puppysitter, Noemi. Cheeky, however, was invited to stay with Tyler, Hilary, and Tioga. She had an absolute ball and by the end of the week, she and Tioga are best buddies — plus she made their Thanksgiving day picture!

Last night, we left Hawaii at 9:00pm on a direct flight that landed in Denver at 6:30am. We grabbed an Uber home, and then Jenny jumped in her car to drive down to Castle Rock, and grab Cheeky. Then they headed North and made it to Cheeky’s puppy class in Broomfield by 9:45.
In class today Cheeky learned how to shake, worked more on her sits and downs, the start of a “magic middle,” and got pretty darn good at an army crawl. She loves getting to work and we love training this baby! ??