There is an uprising in Colorado for UKI agility. It’s a newer venue and popular for the Border Collie contingent who like long straight lines versus the circular paths you see more in AKC. But the best part? They have an event called Speedstakes which is just jumps and tunnels — no weaves. Plus they have a Snooker type game, which allows you to create your own course. The Mile High Agility Club was hosting the Colorado Classic which people came from all over the country to compete, so we decided to enter Cheeky and see what it was about.
Yesterday, Cheeky had moments of brilliance, but didn’t end up with any Qs. So instead of taking pictures on the podium, we hit the photo booth and got some good halloween pictures taken. Cheeks was not amused!

The photo torture must have worked, because, man did she pull it together today! She managed to get a qualifying score and 4 points towards her Beginner Snooker title. With this weekend being a Classic they had all these competitions. While Cheeky didn’t qualify yesterday, she still finished every course, just with faults. After her runs today, she ended up in the bottom 50% of the 20″ class. To wrap the day, the top 50% had a final for podium spots, and the bottom 50% had a consolation final for bragging rights, a free run, and if you qualify, it does count towards your speedstakes title. Encouraged by our friends, we ran the course (this is that jumps and tunnels event) — and we did it clean! The time was pretty good too. After the results were posted, we saw Cheeks sitting in the #1 slot!! She WON the 20″ class! So proud! And to top it off, she earned 12 points due to the entry, which FINISHED her Beginner Sweepstakes title!