Every year, my sister-in-law, Autumn, comes up with my nieces and we spend a weekend in Vail hiking, playing outside, and soaking up the sunshine. It is one of my absolutely FAVORITE weekends of the summer. This year, we let my brother crash the party as he had the time and has never been to Vail with us in the summer. Autumn and the girls flew straight out from a beach weekend with her Mom and sister, and Chad drove up to Denver the night before, stopping to fly fish in some of his favorite New Mexico spots along the way.
My life has changed SO much in the last 6.5 months, so it was really nice to get a night with my brother to catch up on life and show him my new house. Luckily the guest room was the first to be done, so I had a spot for him to sleep! I had just found the perfect couch for the dog room, so I crashed on that for the night. It actually makes a pretty comfortable sleeper, and I was glad I got to give it a test run before subjecting any guests to it!

The next morning we picked up Autumn and the girls from the airport, loaded up all their stuff in both Chad and my cars and headed up the hill. However, we needed to stop and grab some lunch first and found the cutest dog-friendly spot in Golden. If you find yourself over that way, check out VICE Kitchen Wine & Whiskey. The salads were awesome and they were so nice about having Boujee on the patio!

We spent the rest of the weekend doing all the mountain things! Hiking, playing in the river, fly fishing, slumber partying, hitting the park & playgrounds, getting dirty, and after the girlies were asleep…wine-ing down.

After a couple days, I headed back to Denver and left my fam to enjoy the rest of their stay as a family. I needed to get back to Cheeky and Halo, and hated to leave, but I was super proud of how Boujee did! My 5-year-old niece, Charley, really took to Boujee and was a great little dog trainer. She worked through her curiosities about the fountain in the Village that shoots water up with tons of screeching kids. I was super impressed. I think I have another therapy dog in the works!!