The socialization continues! We are so lucky to have so many friends help us socialize these babies. Last Sunday, we…
As mentioned last week, the puppies were finally ready for visitors, and boy did they have them! David, who will…
While Cheeky is on maternity leave, her sister Maggie and owner Catherine continue to tear it up in the agility…
Time is totally just clicking by! The Spiderlings are thriving and are now ready for visitors. We have a couple…
Two weeks is a major milestone with puppies because at this milestone, the risk of losing one goes way down.…
That week went by so fast! The first few days are a total blur. Because of the c-section, Dr. Hess…
What a whirlwind the last 72 hours have been! Cheeky’s temp had dropped on Wednesday night, but then showed zero…
Today we were slated to go for Cheeky’s ultrasound, and I won’t lie, I was super excited. Back when we…
Today, I felt about as proud of Cheeky as the day she earned her NAVHDA Natural Ability Prize 1 perfect…
Standing for 2021 are out and Cheeky ended up finishing as the #3 Novice Agility Vizsla for 2021! She really…