My sweet Spiderlings debuted in the show ring today in 4-6 Beginner Puppy. Charlee (fka Itsy Bitsy) was first up on the East Coast and not only took Best Beginner Vizsla Puppy, but she also took a Sporting Group 1! Unfortunately, they couldn’t stay for Best, but I’m absolutely thrilled with their HUGE win!

Several hours later, Boujee repeated the Group 1 win (in Cheyenne, WY) and then went on to take Beginner Puppy Best in Show!! She did this over 42 other adorable puppies!! So proud of these muffins and their parents, Goose & Cheeky.

This is my biggest win ever, and I did it with my baby! I really can’t believe how this manifested. Cheeky was 3 days into her cycle when my life bottomed out. I didn’t know where I was going to live, and breeding her was no longer on my radar.
However, I had four different friends tell me that I waited too long, and that I needed to do this. They all said to pack my bags and move into their homes to raise puppies. If you’ve ever raised a litter, you know what an enormous offer that is. Jamie, Debbie, Tad, and Lindsay, thank you all for gifting me the hope I needed in a super dark chapter.
I remember texting my mentor Kathy when saw that Karen & Jenna had their Justice x FranKie litter. I told Kathy I wanted to breed Cheeky to one of those males. As luck would have it, Goose ended up in the family with Claire. When I messaged with my crazy idea, everyone (including Halo’s other breeder, Sarah) was so excited and we never looked back, even with spider bites, TCI bags taped to closed office doors, and a crazy week in Minnesota — Claire, Sandy, Trish, Jill, Melissa E, Paul, Jesi, Kathy H, and Melissa L. thank you all for getting me through a pretty emotional week!!
Then Saturday, even though 4-6 puppy was long after regular Vs, Lindsay, Becky, Kelli, Sarah, and Steffie were all there to cheer me on to my biggest win ever, with a puppy so many sacrificed so much to bring into this world.
To my tribe, y’all are the best. Tad, Lindsay, & Austin, especially, thank you for your endless help and support with the babies…none of this would have happened without you 3!!