The last two weeks have been so fun as I’ve been able to babysit both Miles and Nigel! One of my favorite things about placing puppies in Colorado is that I’m available to help their owners if they ever need it. Plus, I love getting to see them and how they are growing up.

Miles’ visit was up first while his Dad, David did some running. I say “some” lightly…the guy is an incredible athlete and did a 50 mile followed by a 50 km the next day! Miles was the puppy that was going to be fine leaving the pack. Independent and liking his own schedule, I think it’s good for him to be back in a pack environment every now and again, and he LOVES it!

He and Boujee were so excited to see each other and just wanted to play non-stop. Since Cheeky & Halo were at Marc’s house for the weekend, I took Miles and Bouj up to Vail and they both swam! He was an exemplary visitor and it’s great to see all the training and work David has poured into him.

This weekend, it was Nigel’s turn to come stay. My sweet, sweet, yellow boy! He absolutely just melts into me when he is here. Can’t get close enough, can’t get enough snuggles, just like when he was a baby.

He also fit seamlessly into the pack and enjoyed wrestling with his sister all weekend. He is SO attached to his owner Pete, but it felt good to see he still loves me too.

I feel so blessed with the homes these boys landed and hope I get to babysit again soon!