Snow, melt, snow, melt, means a couple things in Colorado, but mostly it means pot holes and rockslides. Our department of transportation announced that they would be working on some rock slide repairs today, so last night, Jenny headed up the hill early for work. Normally, we’d just drive to our place in Vail, but the lunch was in Frisco and with the wonky weather, the safer bet was to stay on the East side of Vail pass. Jenny did want to bring Halo & Cheeky for the trip, so that meant we needed to find a dog friendly hotel in Silverthorne.

Luckily, the Hampton Inn takes dogs! And they just charge a flat $50, even if you have their max limit of two dogs. This hotel is right off I-70 and we are pretty confident it will come in handy again! They also had a great little market onsite, enabling Jenny to grab some dinner and take it back to the room for a slumber party with the red hots. And thank goodness Vizslas generate so much heat — it was a chilly 9 degrees!
This morning, we woke up to a fun surprise! Remember that feature Karma had in Dog News? Well, this was a photo we submitted to illustrate her therapy dog work, and they picked it up for an article about dogs really loving us. Fun to see some more positive press!

Before Jenny’s appointment in Frisco, we made a stop at this great dog park. Two fully fenced runs so you could separate if need be. It was right off Highway 9 and called Maryland Creek Park. The weather hadn’t improved and there was about 18″ of snow on the ground, and their jackets are over at our Vail condo, so the girls weren’t big on running for very long. Just basically did their business, burned off a little steam and then wanted to head back to the car.

Once we got to vail though, the girls were able to change into their favorite Chilly Dog coats and burn out their legs. Halo has always loved the snow (she is from Fargo after all!) but until Cheeky came along, no one else could keep up with her foul weather exercise. Jenny finally forced them to leash up, and two very content Vizslas are now cuddled up on the couch.