Well they might not be super happy about the ears, but the girls had a very fun Easter weekend! We kicked it off on Friday at Matrix Dog for the Rocky Mountain Ratters Barn Hunt trial. Halo picked up another Master A leg (1-5 rats and the handler has to call clear when they think the dog is finished) and 70 CZ8 points in Crazy Eights! Since Cheeky was along, we tried an Agility Course Test. She did 6 poles at speed and picked up 2 ACT2 JWW legs to nab that title! We hoped it was a good omen for the remainder of the weekend.
One of Cheeky’s qualifying ACT2 Jumpers legs.
Alas, Cheeky couldn’t get her weaves at Douglas County Fairgrounds on Saturday or Sunday. Maybe it’s the dirt running surface? She’s just too amped to collect. It could be the trail atmosphere too…who knows. She did have some gorgeous moments on her runs and when she finally puts it all together, she is going to be incredible! Maggie was also entered and came soooooo close to some Qs! She’s at higher levels than Cheeky, so she can’t really have any mistakes. But it was great to see her and Catherine dusting off some cobwebs after a long dry spell of trials!
Double High in Trial and Crazy 8 Bronze title!
Much to our surprise, Novice dogs ran first this weekend in agility. This means we were done with agility by 9:30 each day! So we decided to do a last minute entry for Halo in Barn Hunt. She was on fire! She picked up two more Master legs bringing her to 4!! She also went High in Trial with both qualifying runs. Then she picked up 170 CZ8 points out of two trials to finish her Crazy 8s Bronze title! Super proud of our girls this weekend!