Today was Rally and Obedience day — usually the most stressful day because obedience is so hard for us. This year Karma was entered in Novice obedience and Rally Excellent and Advanced. First up was Rally, and we must have done a couple stations wrong because Karma didn’t Q in Excellent. It was strange. So before Advanced, Jenny read up on each station to make sure she didn’t lead Karma astray on execution. It worked! We picked up a Q in Rally Advanced, which was helpful for our Iron Dog score.
Right after Rally, we walked into the Novice obedience ring. Like really, walked out of Rally Excellent and had 10 seconds before they called our armband in for Novice. Karma was doing awesome. Literally ZERO points off on the heeling pattern! Minor deductions on the figure eight. ZERO points off on the stand for exam. We were killing it. And then on the free heel, she just stayed in her sit stay. Dang it. The judge was so empathetic. Maybe we will try again before the National in Colorado next year…
Next up in Obedience was Cheeky in Beginner Novice. Right when she walked in the ring, the other ring started their awards ceremony and she couldn’t focus on Jenny. She really wanted to get in that other ring and join all the other dogs and all the clapping! She’s the funniest.
Hoping not to have Cheeky totally strike out today, Jenny registered her to do the Trick Dog intermediate test and she nailed it! Super proud of the baby for this feat! It was a LONG day and she handled it like a champ!