Phew! What a fantastic week! It’s hard to believe we are already all the way through the National we’ve been working so hard to plan for the last 2 years, but it really is over. Since Wednesday and Cheeky’s big Scent Work day, we had the National Best of Breed yesterday and the VCA Regional Specialty today. Cheeky and Louie weren’t quite what either judge was looking for, but what fantastic ring experience! We had a great time cheering on our friends as the stakes got bigger and bigger, and it’s always fun to see a friend crowned Best of Breed!

Many don’t know, and we didn’t talk about it here, but Cheeky was attacked by another dog on Monday before Nationals. She had 9 stitches in her face that Marc removed Friday before I headed to Loveland to help with setup on Friday night. You might have noticed the scabs in photos the last fews days. Happy to report that in spite of that, she didn’t shy away from either exam by the judges and she still was up to play with anyone. We are so proud of that bounce back and resilience this week. Cheeky had a fantastic National. She is leaving Estes Park with:
*2 Agility Qs in Novice FAST with a placement on National Day
*Rally Novice Q
*Went 5 for 5 in Scentwork to finish all 5 of her Element titles (that’s 5 new titles!!)
*Finished her Scent Work Novice (SWN) title
*Went High in Trial Overall Novice (and Vizsla!)
*Went High Combined Overall Novice (and Vizsla!)
*As a move-up went 5 for 5 in Advanced Elements
*Went High in Trial Overall Advanced (and Vizsla!)
*Went High Combined Advanced Vizsla
*Iron Dog Participant

Karma also had a fantastic week. Karma is so easy. Our teamwork is second nature and competing with her just feels as easy as breathing. She’s the best. Here are Karma’s achievements this week:
*Double Q, Double Blue in the 16”PClass
*Rally Advanced Q
*4th in National Veteran Sweeps
*2nd in Regional Veteran Sweeps
*1st in Regional Hunting Bitch
*All Star Review participant
*Iron Dog Participant

Karma has had 2 low grade tumors pulled off her this summer. It made us really appreciate just getting to be in the ring (of any venue!) with our best girl. Loved that this event went on in spite of the pandemic and getting to see friends from around the country. We hope everyone enjoyed their Colorado vacation and made it home safely!